How Harris County Department of Education Is Combating The Flu

HCDE was one of the first organizations in Houston to commit to cleaning for health. They are combating the flu head on by utilizing GenEon’s Rapid-Response System.

According to Susan Brown the system has helped speed up the disinfecting process in their offices and campuses. “It is easy to use and train staff. Simply spray the surface of the area you want to Clean, Sanitize or Disinfect. We always make sure to hit those hot spots for germs as well.”  Most notably, these include the bathrooms, door handles, water fountains and even cafeteria/lunch room. These areas have one important thing in common; they are where germs have ample opportunity to enter into your child’s bodies. 

Blanca Salazar with Facilities Support Services uses the GenEon system regularly at the HCDE Head Start locations.  “This is a great system to use because small children constantly share toys and will place them in their mouth. So we are able to clean large amount of toys and classrooms quickly.” The GenEon system effectively disinfects large open areas and hard to reach places because of the adjustable spray pattern and particle size.

Josefa Sepulveda also with Facilities Support Services, added “Once finished spraying the mist doesn’t leave a film on surfaces or your clothes. Plus it has a fresh clean smell.”

Harris County Department of Education in collaboration with High Point Sanitary Solutions, are on a mission to arm their facilities with Geneon’s Rapid Response system to dramatically improve health, safety and productivity in facilities across the Greater Houston Area. 

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