Free Cost Analysis

Mats save money! Using the wrong products or techniques can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in extra labor and chemicals. Let us do a free cost analysis and see if you can achieve a cleaner facility with less time and money!

Some questions we can answer:

  • Is battery or propane more cost efficient?Super Coach Pro
  • Would leasing equipment instead of buying save money?
  • How long does it take for water saving fixtures to pay for themselves?
  • What are the true costs of folded vs rolled towels?
  • Does foaming soap save me money, and how much?
  • How “green” are the paper products I’m using, and how does that affect the environment?
  • Are the mats I rent each month actually worth the cost?
  • How much would it cost for me to polish my ceramic tile instead of trying to wax it?
  • Should I rent mops or buy them?
  • Can I consolidate cleaning products and save money and space?
  • How many man hours are saved using Backpack vacuums versus upright vacuums?
  • Can I save money by changing products and techniques, or will that actually cost me more from added labor?
  • How much should it cost to maintain a particular facility?
  • Could no touch cleaners be the right solution for my size facilities?
  • Does using microfiber mops save money and chemical use?
  • Does polishing terrazzo save me time and chemical costs?
  • What affect can a good cleaning and skin care program have on attendance?

Please contact us for your free cost analysis!